Monday, August 15, 2011

Dota 2 Trailer

The first trailer for the upcoming sequel to the classic Warcraft 3 mod "DotA" has been released. For some this has been long awaited. In my personal opinion, I played a bit of DotA, and it was fun. While I do think it's interesting, especially after getting into League of Legends my interest in moba games has been increased, I don't think I'll be playing it. On the other hand, the trailer is pretty cool, and so far the game looks promising. Enjoy, and expect more news from Gamescom in the coming weeks.


  1. I'm extremely hyped for this new dota. Can't wait :) thanks for the trailer find!

  2. Yeah... I don't know man. I've been stuck in SotIS land ever since i got starcraft 2. I fin'd it way more enjoyable than either dota or lol. Probably because it's with starcraft units, the units react incredibly fast, the UI is amazingly well made and the path AI is just glorious. So I don't think i'll be picking this one up anytime soon.

  3. Would much rather watch gameplay rather than all the cinematics the push out.

  4. This is going to be excellent thanks to Valve. Valve always delivers.

  5. Seems interesting but I will wait on D3.
